Outdoor gear can be expensive so I wanted to share some of the items I have boughten that have lasted me over the years.

While hiking and camping can seem like inexpensive hobbies, when you start shopping for gear you quickly see how expensive the gear can really be. There are many options to get good deals on gear like buying used, shopping sales, asking for gear for gifts, getting hand me downs from family and friends..But sometimes you just need to make an investment and spend your money.
I decided to look through my gear and see what pieces I still use that have lasted me for years. While I looked through gear, it was fun to remember the adventures I had with it and memories I made while using it.
If you are new to hiking, camping, or backpacking I hope you find a good piece of gear to invest in and help you get outside. I also hope it inspires you to use the gear you already have instead of going out and buying the latest and greatest. Because there will always be new gear with upgrades, but the gear you have is good enough.
So here are the outdoor pieces of gear that have lasted me through the years!
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Osprey Aura AG 50L Backpacking Pack

Osprey Aura 50L Backpack: I have had my backpacking pack for 9 years. This was the first piece of backpacking gear I bought on my own. Before that I was using old gear my mom had given me. It was such a good investment and made backpacking feel even more doable because I was so much more comfortable. My pack before was a men’s backpacking pack that we’d gotten off of Craigslist.

Camp Chef Stove

Camp Chef Stove: I’ve had my same Camp Chef stove for 7 years now. We have cooked dozens of meals on it whether we’re out camping or just want to drive up the canyon here in Salt Lake and have dinner up the mountains. If you’re looking for some easy meal ideas when camping, check out my post 10 Easy Meals for Camping with Kids.

Jetboil Flash Backpacking Stove

Jetboil Flash Backpacking Stove: I got this Jetboil from my grandma 8 years ago. I love my Jetboil stove when backpacking. It boils water in like a minute and they also have models you can cook in. I’m a lazy backpacker and prefer eating things I can just add hot water too. I also love that the fuel and external pieces all next inside to make it more compact. My post 15 Quick and Easy Backpacking Food Ideas for All Ages is great if your looking for meal ideas for your next backpacking trip.

Arc’teryx Rain Jacket

Arc’teryx Beta LT: I actually have the Arc’teryx Zeta SL, but it has since been discontinued. I got it 7 years ago when I worked at Backcountry .com as a Gearhead and was gifted it from the brand. This is the closest jacket too it and it’s an amazing all mountain jacket. It’s totally waterproof, even the zippers, and will do a great job blocking that wind. Having a solid rain jacket has been amazing and definitely is not something to skimp on i f you are planning some rainy adventures.
Snow Shoes

Snow Shoes: I got these snowshoes 10 years ago after I asked my friends for a gift card to Costco for birthday to buy them. Logan and I were first married when we got these and we have been on so many snowy adventures with these snowshoes. I do use my microspikes a little more just because I often hike on trails that others have already packed down. But when there’s a lot of fresh powder, snowshoes are so nice to have.

Thermarest Z Lite Pad

Thermarest Z Lite pad: I bought this from a thrift store 9 years ago and it was my first sleeping pad when I started backpacking. I would put it in my hammock (we didn’t have a backpacking tent so we would just sleep in hammocks) and it helps keep your insulated. It’s a less expensive option which is great if you aren’t wanting to invest quite yet in camping gear. It’s a durable foam pad and offers lightweight insulation and cushioning from the cold ground. It has an accordion-style design which allows it to be folded up easily for transport and effortlessly unfolds when needed.

Blundstone Chelsea Boots

Blundstone Chelsea Boots: I saw these boots when I did my study aboad in Jerusalem in 2015 and never stopped thinking about them. I finally bought them 7 years ago and have not regretted it once. These are my most worn boots in the fall and winter. They are leather so weather resistant. They also go with so much and I can even wear them hiking. The perfect all around boot!
I actually have the thermal version. They are waterproof and have a shearling footbed making them even warmer. For either boot I highly recommend sizing up a half size.
Grand Trunk Camping Chair

Grand Trunk Camping Chair: My mom and dad got these for Logan and I for our first Christmas together 9 years ago. These camping chairs pack down so small and are so lightweight without sacrificing comfort. This is the one I use for camping trips, setting up in the backyard, etc. I love these chairs, and this brand has a few fun colors and have a sturdy frame that will last a long time.

If you enjoyed this post about my outdoor gear that has lasted me years, make sure to check out these posts!